IMEC corridor(India-MiddleEast-Europe-Economic corridor)
DID You Know?: 🔍 Why was I.M.E.C corridor initiated ? 🔍 Significance of I.M.E.C 🔍 🔍 1. Why was I.M.E.C corridor initiated ? The economic powerhouses of India and Europe faced a significant geographical challenge with the ancient trade route passing through disputed territories, vulnerable to blockades by adversaries during times of political crisis. This necessitated the exploration of an alternative route in collaboration with their economic allies to circumvent potential disruptions. This route was I.M.E.C Many countries supported this initiative due to the shorter distance of the new route compared to the traditional one, as well as its strategic response to China's Belt and Road initiatives. But, the one who initiated was neither India nor any Middle East Nation nor any European Nation, it was U.S.A. though, U.S.A. was not geographically involved It was to improve India US economic ties 2. Significance of I.M.E.C I.M.E.C(India Middle East Europe Economic Corrid...