Did you know:- 🌐What is G20? 🌐G20 meetings in India 🌐How and when did it start? 🌐whats the " Official language of G20 " 1. What is G20? G20 is a group of 20 significant nations with powerful economies that work to implement the SDGs(Sustainability goals) through discussions of Foreign ministers, Prime ministers, Defence ministers, and other heads of a country. Which includes:- 🌍France 🌍Italy 🌍Germany 🌍India 🌍U.S.A 🌍U.K 🌍Russia 🌍Japan 🌍Indonesia 🌍Australia 🌍South Africa 🌍Spain 🌍Saudi Arabia 🌍Spain 🌍European Union 🌍South Korea 🌍Brazil Established in 1999, it brings together the world's major economies, representing around 80% of the global GDP and two-thirds of the world's population. The G20 was formed to address the world's economic and financial challenges, and its official language is English. India has hosted G20 meetings in the past, and the group has significantly impacted the global economy, addressing issues such as financial stability...