Why and how did world war 2 start?
Why and how did world war 2 start? Did you know?:- ✔ Who was Odolf Hitler? ✔ How he nearly won whole of the europe? 1. Who caused World war II? The one who caused it,Odolf Hitler, was born at 1889 with the father as Alois Hitler. He was Alios fourth son too But despite being Alios only son to survive he was always Physically bullied by him so, on his father's death he wasn't even sad. He soon got a interest in arts, but wasn't able to do much as according to him jewish had the control over arts and so he wanted to kill and finish all the jewish once and for all. 2.How did world war II? After World War I the treaty of versailles was signed under it germany had to pay all the loss of the war even though it lost and didn't even allow to have a millitary. but, later our Hitler comes in power by brainwashing the people with his nazi party. Later Britian signs Anglo German agreemet under it Germany coulld have a millitary. Hitler wanted to recover economically and tertorial...